Born in Zagreb in 1929. Graduated in Drama Studio of National Theatre in Belgrade in 1947, in the class of Mata Milosevic and became member of drama section of National Theater. From 1949 to 1953, she was a member of Serbian National Theatre in Novi Sad (memorable roles in theatre plays: Visnjik, Spletka I Ljubav, Zla Zena, Dom Bernarde Albe). In 1953, she transfers to Belgrade Drama Theatre, and plays in the role of Juca in “Pop Cira i Pop Spira” , Simka in “Naslednik” and Kcerka in “Gazda Puntila”. In Modern Theatre she plays in the role of Maria in “Bogojavljenska noc”, Jelica in “Lazi i paralazi” and others. From 1968 to the day she retires in 1989, she played numerous roles in Atelje 212: Pendzeri ravnice, Na ludom belom kamenu, Uloga moje porodice u svetskoj revoluciji, Purpurno ostrvo, Kosancicev venac 7, Otac I Pelikan, Marija Stjuart, Razgovor u kuci Stajnovih o odsutnom gospodinu fon Geteu, Sveti Georgije ubiva azdahu, Filumena Marturano, Santa Maria Della Salute, Divovi iz planine and Marija.
She played in several television dramas: Moloh, Damon, Kupanje, Crna lista, Glineni golubovi and others and television series: Diplomci, Samci, Volite se ljudi, Ljubav, ah, ljubav, Vaga za tacno merenje, Salas u malom ritu and Zaboravljeni.
Renata Ulmanski also played in first Yugoslavian color motion picture film “Pop Cira i Pop Spira”, and after that in “Dilizansa snova”, “Nesto Izmedju”, “Bolje od bekstva”, “Dezerter”, “Spasilac”, “Pocetni udarac” and many others.
She won numerous awards on festivals: Vojvodjanska pozorista 1951, Pula Film Festivale 1957, Sterija’s Theatre Festivale 1972, Film Festivale in Nis 1990 and 1993, Crystal Prism of Academy for Film and Art, Award for most successful radiophone completion 2005, for the role in play “Skakavci” of Yugoslavian Drama Theatre she won Sterija’s Award 2006 and “Vecernje Novosti” Award for episode role.
She is a member of Serbian Association of Translators and has translated several drama plays in German - Schnicler, Krec, Dukner, T.Bernhard, etc.